Resultados: 3

Desenvolvimento de um protótipo de web software de apoio ao planejamento da aposentadoria

Objetivo desenvolver um protótipo de web software de apoio ao planejamento da aposentadoria. Método trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica, aplicada, pautada nos princípios do modelo de prototipação, que seguiu as etapas de comunicação, planejamento, criação do protótipo, testes de funcionam...

An exploration of addiction in adults experiencing early-life stress: a metasynthesis

ABSTRACT Objective: to review and synthesize qualitative research on the links between early-life stress and addiction behaviours in adulthood. Method: metasynthesis to review qualitative research findings based on procedures that outline how to identify themes or constructs across studies in a specifi...

The illness of women and men with sickle cell disease: a Grounded Theory study

Objective: to understand the meanings given by women and men with sickle cell disease on the illness experience. Method: analytical study with a qualitative approach, conducted with 17 adults with sickle cell disease using the Theory Based on Data, or Grounded Theory, as theoretical-methodological refere...